Domestic Abuse

We can help you if you have been abused at home. Our chatbot can advise on how to keep you and others safe.

Domestic abuse is when someone at home is treating you badly. This could be by hurting you, making you feel very sad or scared, trying to control you, controlling your money, or making you do things that you don’t want to do. It could be just one or many of these things – none of it is ok, and you shouldn’t have to live with it.

If you are experiencing any of these things, it can be very scary and hard to deal with. It can also be scary if domestic violence is happening in your house between other people, and it can be very hard to watch something like that happening, especially if it’s to someone you care about. Domestic abuse is serious, and you can get help for this from a lot of places – you can get help to stop it and stay safe from social services or the police, and you can get emotional support from helplines, counselling, or friends and family who you trust.

Talk to us if you do not know where to turn and we can direct you to organisations that can help.


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